Amiga News 96
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375 lines
Zaphod, a binary editor for AMIGA computers
Release 1.0
Holger Schemel
June 3, 1994
1. Copyright and all that
2. About Zaphod
3. Installation
4. Starting Zaphod from Workbench and Shell
5. The usage of the program
5.1 The main window of Zaphod
5.1.1 The gadgets
5.1.2 The edit field
5.2 The menues
5.2.1 Project
5.2.2 Edit
5.2.3 Settings
5.2.4 Files
6. Credits
7. Bug reports and others
1. Copyright and all that
Zaphod is copyrighted software (C) 1993-94 by Holger Schemel.
The program may be freely distributed with the following restrictions: The
The archive and all its contents may not be changed, and no files may be
removed or added to the archive.
All rights reserved.
No guarantee of any kind is given that the programs described in this docu-
ment are 100\% reliable. You are using this material at your own risk. The
author can not be made responsible for any damage which is caused by using
these programs.
This package can be included in public domain collections, including those
on CD-ROM. The distribution file may be uploaded to Bulletin Board Systems
or FTP servers. None of the program nor parts of it may be included or used
in commercial programs without a written permission from the author.
If you have paid more than $5, it's yout own fault.
The usage of this program close by nuclear power stations, the usage of
weapons and military equipment and the consumption of radio active hazel-
nuts is your own risk!
2. About Zaphod
Zaphod is a file editor for binary files in the tradition of classic pro-
grams like ``FileZap'' and ``NewZap''. However, it is written to use fea-
tures of AmigaOS 2.0 so you need this or a higher version of the Amiga ope-
ration system to use this program. The usage with OS 3.0 or higher should
not make any problems.
This file editor lets you edit several files at a time. The files you want
to edit can be marked with the mouse button while holding the 'shift' key
right at the start from Workbench, chosen from the ASL file requester,
chosen by dropping their icons into the window or, if you started Zaphod
from shell, by specifying the files as parameters after the program name.
The program window of Zaphod opens on the Workbench, on a given public
screen or on its own public screen which will then be named ZAPHOD.1 (or
ZAPHOD.x, if you started Zaphod x times with its own screen). If you star-
ted Zaphod on a public screen, you can drop icons into it by simply drop-
ping them on the application icon, which has the name ZAPPICON.1 or
ZAPPICON.x. You can get Zaphod's public screen into the foreground by
double-clicking on its application icon.
The whole settings of the program can be given and were saved in the Tool-
Types in the program icon. If you start it from shell, give the settings as
program parameters. At the time there is no support for an extra configura-
tion file, so if you want to start it from shell regularly, make an alias
in 's:user-startup' of the form 'alias zaphod zaphod <configuration parame-
3. Installation
Just copy the whole drawer at the place you want to have it. It's enough to
have the files ``Zaphod'' and ``Zaphod.info''.
If you have installed AmigaOS 2.1 or above, you can copy the file
``zaphod.catalog'' into ``LOCALE:Catalogs/<your language>''. At this time,
there is only a catalog for German language.
Additionally, there are some extra fonts in the ``Zaphod/fonts'' directory.
The ``topaz'' variations are non-proportional, the ``tripaint'' fonts are
proportional ones. Just try them out (They must be copied to your local
``FONTS:'' directory). These fonts are designed to be small or thin or
both, so you can use them to display more data in the Zaphod edit window
than with the standard system fonts.
4. Starting Zaphod from Workbench and Shell
The ToolTypes are the same as the shell parameters, that means if you have
a ToolType of the form 'TOOLTYPE=PARAMETER', then you can give this exactly
as a shell parameter (you can use a blank instead of the ``='').
(See the descriptions of the menu 'Settings' for more information.)
The ToolTypes are:
Left position the window opens.
Top position the window opens.
The number of lines displayed in the edit window.
The number of longwords (four data bytes) per line in the edit win-
Here you can choose the text font of the Zaphod window. '<default>'
uses the system font choosen in your system preferences.
Choose the size of the font. {\tt <default>} uses the system size
Here you can choose the edit font, which is used in the edit field
of the Zaphod window. '<default>' uses the non-proportial system
font again. It is recommended to use one of the fonts shipped with
Zaphod to be able to display more characters than with the system
fonts. If you don't like them, you can get the font editor FEd from
AmigaOS 1.3 and create your own fonts for Zaphod.
The size of the chosen edit font.
Here you can specify the name of a public screen on which Zaphod
shall open its window on. If you specify 'WBENCH', the window is
opened on the Workbench. With 'OWNSCREEN' you can advise Zaphod to
open its own public screen, which is then given the name ZAPHOD.x,
where x is the number of the instance of Zaphod with an own public
This parameter tells Zaphod how often it should ask for confirma-
tion. You should start with 'NORMAL'. If you don't want to see too
many questions ``Do you really want...?'', then choose 'MODERATE'.
With 'EXPERT', Zaphod asks no more questions; only choose this
option if you really know what you're doing.
Choose 'UPPER' to have upper case characters in the hexadecimal
edit field and 'LOWER' to have lower case characters.
Choose 'RIGHT' to have the wider window border with the size gadget
on the right window border and 'BOTTOM' to have it on the bottom
You can choose 'INSERT_ONE', 'INSERT_ALL' or 'APPEND_ALL'. See
'Settings / Files' for a description.
Choose 'INTERNAL' or 'EXTERNAL' for an internal or external clip-
board handling.
Choose the clip number used for internal clipboard handling. Don't
choose 0 here, because that's the clip number of the system clip-
Choose the clip number used for external clipboard handling. Better
don't change it from the default value 0 here, because that's the
clip number of the system clipboard.
Choose 'YES' or 'NO' to have the addresses field in the edit window
displayed or not.
Choose 'HEX', 'ASCII' or 'HEX&ASCII' to have the file contents dis-
played as hexadecimal values, ASCII characters or both.
If you start Zaphod from shell, you can specify up to ten files which will
then be loaded to the file buffers. If you give a question mark here,
Zaphod will give you a command pattern known from the system commands.
5. The usage of the program
5.1 The main window of Zaphod
After starting Zaphod, you see the main window with the edit field and some
gadgets. If you have already given some file names at the start, the first
one will be displayed in the edit window (if it can be opened).
The file name of the file that is currently in the edit buffer will be dis-
played in the title of the window.
5.1.1 The gadgets
If you want to search for a byte sequence in the file, use the search gad-
gets below of the edit field. Type the byte sequence into the string gad-
get; you can use ASCII characters or hexadecimal values or both mixed.
Hexadecimal values must be two numbers preceeded with a `$' or a `0x'. If
these special characters are part of the search string, just put them into
quotation marks.
Some examples:
$20"Hello, World"0x00
To start searching, click onto the ``Search'' gadget or press the under-
lined character ('s'). If the search text was found, the cursor will be
placed on the first character of the text found in the file buffer. If the
search was succesful can also be seen at the ``Status'' field.
The search directions can be chosen with the corresponding gadget. At the
search from the start or from the end, the status of the gadget will be
changed to searching behind/before the cursor to allow easy sequential
Choose case dependency with the corresponding gadget.
At the left side, there are two gadgets showing the actual cursor position
in the file buffer and the length of the whole file. You can jump directly
to a certain file position with the first of these two gadgets.
Below of the gadgets for text searching there are gadgets for replacing
file contents with some other data. Just type the new byte sequence into
the ``Replace'' string gadget (with the same format as the search text) and
choose ``Replace'' instead of ``Search''.
With the gadget ``Replacemode'', you can choose if all matching texts shall
be replaced, only the next matching text or if there should be a requester
for each match.
All gadgets can be used by pressing the appropriate key, which is the key
in the gadget text that is underlined.
5.1.2 The edit field
The edit field consists of up to three parts: the address field, the hexa-
decimal field and the ASCII field. All three can be scrolled with the
scrollbar at the right.
If you click into the edit field, you can type input directly into the file
buffer (where you can only use the number keys and the keys 'a' to 'z' and
'A' to 'Z' in the hex field).
With the tabulator key, you can switch between the hex and ASCII field.
Move the cursor with the usual cursor keys, Shift-Up/Down moves to the be-
ginning/end of the file, Ctrl-Up/Down moves one page up or down.
5.2 The menues
There are the following menues:
5.2.1 Project
The ``Project'' menu has the following items:
Clears the actual file buffer (not the file itself). All other file
buffers remain untouched.
Opens a new file. Uses the ASL file requester.
Saves the file under the name it was opened as or under the name it
was already saved once.
Save As...:
Like ``Save'', but asks for a file name with the ASL file requester.
(Not yet implemented.)
Print As...:
(Not yet implemented.)
Short description about the program and the author and the name of
the screen the program is opened on.
Information about the user of the program.
Quit the program. If there are any file buffers that are modified
but unsaved, you will get a warning.
5.2.2 Edit
These are the usual block operation/clipboard functions (to indicate a
block, just mark it with the mouse as usual), as there are:
Cut the marked block and put it into the clipboard.
Copy the marked block into the clipboard.
Paste the contents of the clipboard to the edit field (insert them
at the cursor position).
Erase the marked block without touching the clipboard.
Undo the last block operation.
5.2.3 Settings
The ``Settings'' menu contains the following items:
Text font:
With 'automatic', choose the system font. With 'user selected',
choose a selected font for window and gadget text. With
'select...', you can choose that font.
Edit font:
The submenu items are the same and have the same functions like the
options in the menu above, but you can make decisions about the
font used in the edit field.
Specify if you want to have the addresses field or not.
Specify if you want to see the file buffer contents as hexadecimal
values, ASCII characters or both.
Hex number design:
Here you can choose if you prefer upper or lower case characters
for the hexadecimal part of the edit field.
Border for Sizegadget:
Chooses the position of the wider border of the window (either at
the right or at the bottom). Lets you gain some more horizontal
pixels if you need them to display one more column.
Specify if you want internal or external clipboard handling. With
external clipboard handling enabled, you can copy data to and from
other applications.
Here you can choose the behavior of Zaphod when loading several
files at one time. They can be completely appended to the other
file buffers, completely inserted or appended except the first one
which goes to the actual file buffer.
Auto-resize window:
Re-calculates the window dimensions and proportions. Useful if you
have changed a font or the window size and want to optimize the
window size now.
Reset to default:
Resets all settings to the default settings.
Load settings:
Loads the settings from the program icon. This doesn't work if you
have started the program from the shell.
Save settings:
Saves the settings to the program icon. This doesn't work if you
have started the program from the shell.
5.2.4 Files
Here you can directly choose each file buffer. There is always one menu
item with an ``(empty)'' file buffer which can be chosen to drop a file by
its icon into it or load a new file from the ``Open'' menu.
6. Credits
Thanks to all beta testers, who helped me much with sometimes detailed bug
reports, suggestions or comments about the program style.
Special thanks goes to Albert Weinert for his program ``KitCat'' which
allows easy creation of localization catalogs, and to Dr. Peter Kittel for
his ``Amiga-Glossar''.
7. Bug reports and others
If you find errors (in the program itself or in the documentation), want to
write a new language catalog for your language, want to have new features
or the source code or have other suggestions, write to:
Holger Schemel
Sennehof 28
33659 Bielefeld (Senne I)
Phone: +49 (0)5 21 / 49 32 45
aeglos@valinor.ms.sub.org (at home)
aeglos@uni-paderborn.de (university)
q99492@pbhrzx.uni-paderborn.de (university)
E-Mail preferred.